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Next-generation technologies for the quality of life of tomorrow

It would be inconceivable to treat diseases without the latest insights and methods of bioanalysis. Setting the pace for biotechnology and genetic engineering, the pharmaceutical industry and medicine as well as agricultural sciences, bioanalysis has meanwhile become an essential backbone for progress in research and industry across different sectors. As the world’s leading trade show for laboratory technology, analysis, biotechnology and bioanalytics, analytica brings together trendsetting methods and a global audience in Munich from March 24 to 27, 2026.

Close-up of a pipette filled with liquid dripping into a test tube, held in a light violet tone.
© Alex_Traksel - Fotolia

Bioanalysis: basis for an improved quality of life

From therapies and pharmaceutical drugs to detection technologies and valuable potentials for the agricultural and food industry: the activities in bioanalysis are integral across industry sectors, in order to develop profitable concepts and technologies for the future.

As a scientific research discipline, bioanalysis deals with the analysis methods of the biosciences: Biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular genetics, cell and development biology as well as medicine rely on bioanalysis methods and technologies. For they all have one thing in common: the analysis of the metabolism of biological systems.

This is where the enormous potential of bioanalysis research for the industry unfolds. Bioanalytics creates the essential foundations for patient-related diagnostics, health-enhancing and treatment measures, and thereby makes personalized medicine possible. This is similar in the agricultural and food industry, where bioanalysis methods facilitate the identification of biotoxins and harmful microorganisms, thereby making a considerable contribution to quality control and assurance with the latest technologies in bioanalysis.

Bioanalysis as a focus at analytica

Shorter analysis and test times, optimized interpretations and meaningful, centrally available data: analytica pursues the aim of creating profitable added value for all participants. We offer expert visitors and exhibitors the optimum setting to ensure a mutual exchange and knowledge transfer. With a well structured concept comprising various segments of the discipline, all participants have the opportunity to gather information on current topics and trends and industry-specific solutions in the best possible way.

  • Instrumental analysis: Proteomics, genomics and metabolomics are fields which definitively benefit from the detection possibilities of instrument analysis and, in particular, mass spectrometry. They do not only open up new potentials for the biotechnological and medical sector, but also for other industries, such as the agricultural and food industry.
  • Liquid handling and laboratory automation: Various sample preparation techniques offer potential for optimization, to considerably accelerate efficiency in the laboratory by automatic methods, and deliver reliable results. For example in liquid handling: the latest developments help you reduce your costs considerably.
  • Imaging methods:Bioanalysis offers various diagnostic methods which provide images from inside the body. Apart from microscopy, these include, in particular, microtechnology and nanotechnology, the greatest innovations of which are in high-throughput screening: it is in particular new, biologically active substances that scientists are looking for, from which lead structures for the development of new pharmaceuticals can be derived.
  • Immunological and molecular biology methods: Meanwhile research into immunological and molecular biology assays has reached a level at which the sensitivity achieved extends to the allergologically relevant concentration range.
  • Digitalization:Data management and big data are still defining topics in bioanalytics. Technologies like the lab-on-a-chip offer decisive contributions allowing greater efficiency.

New technologies in bioanalytics

Innovative developments in biotechnology, genetic technology, diagnostics and medicine call for new analysis methods. Successes synthesizing new active substances and medications or promising therapies and genetic therapies in personalized medicine depend greatly on the performance of bioanalysis methods.

The trend platform analytica is where many of new and future-oriented bioanalysis technologies are introduced in Europe for the first time: They include the entire range of sector-specific solutions, from sample preparation techniques and liquid handling to instrumental analysis including mass spectrometry and microscopy as well as imaging techniques, micro- and nanotechnology, immunological and molecular biology techniques, assays and labs-on-a-chip, high-throughput screening, laboratory automation, data management and big data. Users experience well-structured and transparent presentations of system solutions that they can use to achieve shorter analysis and experiment times, better ways to interpret measuring results and the central availability of meaningful data.

Bioanalysis—a vital part of life

Biobased products and new types of substances, tissue engineering, point-of-care diagnostics and new therapeutic approaches are contributing significantly to improve our quality of life. Genetic technology and biotechnology now play a key role in many branches of industry. Next-generation technologies and interdisciplinary solutions are factors of future success.

Find answers to all technical questions in the following areas:

Sample preparation • Chromatography • Spectroscopy • Coupling techniques • Microscopy • Imaging techniques • Nanotechnology • Automation • LIMS • Effect-related analysis • Pharmaceutical analysis • Biotechnology • Bioprinting • Tissue engineering • POC diagnostics • Lab-on-a-chip • High-throughput screening • Proteomics • Genomics • Metabolomics • Omics technologies • Data analysis, data management • Bioinformatics • Big data • Laboratory 4.0 • Next-generation technologies • Laboratory medicine • Clinical chemistry • Forensics • Cell biology • Immunology • Molecular biology • Food analysis • Methods development • Validating testing methods • GLP and GMP, GxP • Quality assurance, accreditation, certification3127

Market leaders, decision-makers and research drivers at analytica

Renowned exhibitors from bioanalysis, including market leaders and innovative companies, present the latest products and services. To see which big players and which up and coming young companies from bioanalysis will be at analytica, go to our exhibitor directory.

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analytica-world news is the industry's leading newsletter. It keeps you up to date 365 days a year in the field of laboratory technology, diagnostics and biotechnology. You want to stay up-to-date? Then subscribe to our free weekly newsletter directly online.

An extensive program in bioanalysis

In addition to the trade show, our extensive supporting program offers unique insights into the current theory and practice in bioanalysis.

International experts and global players will benefit from the bundled industry knowhow, find information on the latest technology and share experience at the analytica conference.

analytica 2022: your perspectives on the pulse of the industry

For experts a visit to analytica offers the unique chance to build globally valuable networks across sectors and new business partnerships. This is where the state of the art in innovative equipment technology is reflected alongside trendsetting applications in bioanalysis. International experts and the global players will meet in Munich to share their experience, when the knowhow of the industry will come together for a week.

Seize the opportunity and secure your participation in analytica 2022!