Press release

Safety, quality and digital transformation to be key themes at Africa’s lab technology show

November 19, 2020

Food and environmental safety, laboratory accuracy and quality assurance, and digital transformation will be among the top discussion points at the Forum during analytica Lab Africa next year.

analytica lab Africa, presented by Messe Muenchen South Africa, is the only trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis, biotechnology and diagnostics in South Africa.

In the event’s Forum Area, international and local experts host short presentations on innovations and current trend topics. In 2021, analytica Lab Africa’s forum will follow some of the key trends identified at the highly successful international analytica Virtual 2020 event, where the number one topic under discussion was digital transformation and the lab of the future.

Dain Richardson, Senior Exhibition Manager of analytica Lab Africa from organisers Messe Muenchen South Africa, says Messe München’s international trade fair analytica, and its regional series are key forums for product discovery and knowledge sharing for the sector. “analytica 2020 was a fully virtual event for the first time in its history, and there were over 21,000 participations in the 200 exhibitor webinars and 119 scientific presentations at the analytica conference, where digitisation and automation were key topics. analytica Lab Africa will follow these trends in its Forum programme, with content formatted to suit the African environment and market,” she says.

In the Forum discussions, speakers will deliver presentations on root cause analysis for food safety; and Water and Food safety – moving from a target model to a holistic perspective. Concerns around undesirable mineral hydrocarbons in food, and regulation around this, will be addressed in a talk entitled MOSH/MOAH & POSH/POA – why the fuss and where is the regulation going?

The Forum programme will also include talks on the effect of automation on quality and precision, quality control in manufacturing sanitisation validation, and talks on spectroscopy and micro-elemental analysis devices.

Among the leading manufacturers and distributors who will participate in analytica Lab Africa exhibition area include: Chemetrix Export, Eins-Sci, Inqaba Biotechnology Industries, Leco Africa, Metrohm South Africa, United Spectrometer Technologies.

analytica lab Africa will be co-located with IFAT Africa and food & drink technology Africa, with AECI Water the diamond sponsors of the three co-located trade fairs. analytica Lab Africa, IFAT Africa and food & drink technology Africa will take place from 13 – 15 July 2021 at Gallagher Convention Centre. For more information, visit

Issued by ITP Communications (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Messe Muenchen South Africa. For further information or images please contact or