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Final report

analytica 2024 confirms its position as the world’s leading trade fair for the laboratory sector

April 12, 2024

  • 1,066 exhibitors from 42 countries, around 34,000 visitors from 117 countries
  • New record number of participants at the analytica conference
  • Focus on digitalization and sustainability in the lab of the future

Great atmosphere in the exhibition halls, lively discussions, and crowded aisles characterized analytica 2024, where the international laboratory sector met in Munich from April 9 to 12. 1,066 exhibitors presented their innovations for the entire range of laboratory technology, analysis and biotechnology to around 34,000 visitors at the world-leading trade fair. Much discussed topics at the booths and in the extensive conference and supporting program were solutions for the digital and sustainable laboratory.

“analytica 2024 was once again a resounding success and impressively confirmed its position as the world’s leading trade fair for the laboratory sector in a consolidating industry environment,” says Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, CEO of Messe München. “In terms of both exhibitor and visitor numbers, it can almost seamlessly build on the events held before the pandemic.” Armin Wittmann and Susanne Grödl, both responsible for analytica at Messe München, add: “We are proud that analytica brings together the industry’s global expertise. Whether in the analysis of pollutants, the early detection of diseases, or the development of vaccines, it is the innovative power of this industry that makes progress possible in the first place in many areas of daily life.” For Siegbert Holtermüller, Chairman of the Advisory Board and Vice President Microscopy Imaging Solutions Sales EMEA at Evident Europe, analytica is always an excellent platform for introducing new technologies and winning new customers in all segments.

Enthusiastic exhibitors

“Everyone has been waiting for this analytica: With numerous visitors and lots of good discussions, it provided crucial impetus for us and the entire industry in economically challenging times,” says Dr. Gunther Wobser, Managing Partner of Lauda Dr. R. Wobser. Mathis Kuchejda, Managing Director of Schmidt + Haensch and Chairman of the Analytical, Bio and Laboratory Technology Division at the industry association Spectaris, agrees: “Many innovative products, customers from all over the world, and information on the latest trends: This year’s analytica has once again lived up to its reputation as the world’s leading trade fair and industry meeting place for analysis, biotechnology and laboratory technology. Overall, the mood among both exhibitors and visitors is extremely good.” Mike Copps, President and CEO of the U.S. association Alda, appreciates the opportunity to meet many members and international partners at analytica and thus achieve so much with numerous stakeholders in one place in just a few days.

Strong supporting program with crowd-pullers

A varied supporting program covered the main topics of the trade fair and offered visitors the opportunity to experience the laboratory of the future live. “We struck a chord with our offerings on digitalization, AI and sustainability, and the respective forum and conference programs were very well attended. That means our concept of providing the industry with orientational knowledge has once again proved to be fully successful at this year’s analytica,” says Susanne Grödl, Deputy Exhibition Director of analytica. The Live Lab, where standard laboratory processes were presented three times a day, drew a packed audience and full seats in the special stands. At the Digital Transformation special show, visitors could also experience and try out the smart laboratory of the future several times a day. Both special shows together attracted around 3,500 spectators. Another crowd-puller was the Occupational Health and Safety forum, which illustrated with explosive live demonstrations the risks of daily laboratory work and placed a special focus on handling lithium-ion batteries. Extremely popular was also the Jobday on the last day of the trade fair. There, graduates and young professionals were given information on career prospects in the industry in numerous presentations, and they had the opportunity to meet potential employers.

Concentrated expert know-how at the conference

The analytica conference set a new record this year with 2,225 participants. The audience was particularly full at the sessions on sustainability topics, AI in diagnostics and forensics. “As in the past, the analytica conference once again featured over 180 top-class lectures and a wide range of analytical topics, making it an ideal addition to the exhibition area,” sums up Prof. Oliver J. Schmitz from the University of Duisburg-Essen. In addition to the hot topics in the industry, the lecture program also dealt with the interdisciplinary potential of analytics, for example, in analyzing old oil paintings, in archaeometry or in solving criminal cases.

analytica 2024 in figures

1,066 exhibitors traveled from 42 countries and regions, with 53 percent of them from abroad. The top ten exhibiting countries after Germany were (in this order): China, the U.S., Italy, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, South Korea, India, and Austria. There were around 34,000 visitors from 117 countries and regions. The share of international visitors totaled about 39 percent. After Germany, the top 10 visitor countries were (in this order): Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France, the Netherlands, China, Spain, the U.S. and Poland.

The next analytica will take place together with the analytica conference from March 24 to 27, 2026.

© Messe München GmbH
About 34,000 visitors from 117 countries came to analytica 2024.
© Messe München GmbH
1.066 exhibitors from 42 countries presented their innovations in five trade fair halls.
© Messe München GmbH
Crowd pullers included the Live Lab with its fully equipped laboratory line…
Digtial Transformation
© Messe München GmbH
…the special show Digital Transformation where visitors could experience the lab of the future live…
© Messe München
…and the explosive live demonstrations at the Occupational Health and Safety forum
© Messe München GmbH
In four forums, industry experts talked about the top issues of the laboratory world in presentations and panel discussions.
© Messe München GmbH
At the analytica conference, top-class scientists from all over the world (here Prof. Dr. Maria Montes-Bayón) spoke for three days about the hot scientific topics in the industry.
Digtial Transformation
A woman in a black suit and white blouse poses with a smile.
Claudia Grzelke
  • PR Manager